Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Practical 10!

Using a metaphor, to describe the EIR lessons. For me, I would use an area of land. A land can be useful when the people who has it, worked hard to create a building, a home and many more, however if the people who does not cherish it, the land will never be something accomplised. just like EIR lessons, the students are the people who has it, if they do not worked hard for the lessons, they will never remember or learn anything from EIR.

My research topic, Impact of Alcoholism on Youth. A short paragraph to say my findings would be easy. Firstly, there has been an increasing trend in youth drinking and causing accidents, some leading to death. It is something that is serious and the problem is that although it can be prevented, people does not seems to try to do anything. To start the prevention of problems, we must first let the teenagers, people who are the one involves, to understand the danger, the pain that they inflict around them. If we do not do something like that, we may never stop this problem. Also, we have to let parents know, as from case studies, some of the death that was caused by alcoholism, was due to parents buying the alcohol and as such start off the whole issue.

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