Friday, February 5, 2010

Tutorial 5&6

What is the significant learning experience for your group?

The significant learning experience is to learn the effects of homosexuals websites being posted on websites. Learning the downside of homosexuals that people keep trying to keep it going so as to ban this group of people just because they are a little different from us. The people that view themselves as "normal" and "complete". This is a very significant learning experience.

As an individual contributor, what have you gained from this experience?

I have learn that to find information on homosexuals are not that hard, as they are all over the web, trying to have their legal rights. Learning the fact that the insults thrown to them are alot, and they are really very strong for standing up for their rights even though it is very hard, i gained the knowledge and i know that sometimes in life, there are things that you have to do, no matter how hard the journey goes, one have to walk it and it will help if we all come together.

What is the one most challenging experience you had?

The most challening experience I had was to compile the work into a paragraph which was to showcase the effects, I cannot seem to get it all together, as there are quite a lot of different attacks, and also different websites, so I had to take a long time to make sure that I can do well in this by making sure I do not make any mistakes here and there.

What advice would you give to the next batch wiki groups as they start a similar project?

My advice to them would be spending more time on research, and ensuring that there is a flow to their work, so as they will not get all mixed up. Also, it helps by coming together with those that are doing the same part of work, so that you will not do what they are doing, so as to avoid any conflict inbetween.

Would you use Wiki for research in your own Diplomas? Why?

I may not use, as I found that there are a lot of problems with Wiki, for example, when there are too many people coming together to do, the website would not be able to support and as such not allow entry for some, also when saving work, time to time it will not save, and i have to restart my work which is a really waste of time, so until these problems are fixed, I doubt I would use Wiki.

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