Friday, February 5, 2010

Tutorial 3&4

a. How has Twitter (micro-blogging) enhanced your learning of EIR? Compare this with your blogging experience using Blogspot.

Twitter is somewhat useful, due to the fact that only 140 characters can be used, learning HAVE to be done within a limited amount and as such we can learn the main points which i think is useful in remembering because we tend to remember only these few words, and as such having twitter do help in the learning. Blogging is more of a reflection that we do after the lesson, so there is really differences, however the differences is that blog can be used for the whole thing whereas for twitter only main points are used, therefore learning may be more efficient in twitter.

b. How can you use Twitter and Blogspot for research purposes?

The fact that people view Twitter and blogspot, when we ask questions on Twitter and Blogspot we can have answers back, and as such these become our research tools therefore i think that YES, we can use Twitter and Blogspot for research purposes.

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